Sponsor Us

Show your commitment to people in need in our community and clothing recycling/reuse by sponsoring Second Chances.

Become an Annual Sponsor

Your company or organization’s sponsorship of Second Chances demonstrates your commitment to people in need in our community and clothing recycling/reuse. By supporting our clothing donation program, you enable people to achieve their dreams for success and self-sufficiency while increasing community connection through volunteerism, philanthropy, and relationship-building.

Sponsorship levels

Sponsorship Payment Options

Donate by check

Send us a check and Sponsorship Form (downloadable PDF) »

Mailing address:
Second Chances, Inc.
P.O. Box 441328
Somerville, Massachusetts 02144-1328

No processing fees.

Donate by credit card or bank account

Donate quickly and securely online by clicking the button below. Processing fees are 3-4% of the donated amount.

For larger sponsorship payments, please consider paying by check, so even more of your generous contribution supports folks in our community!